Pearson Success- Interactive Science
New!!!!(CLICK THE BLUE LETTERS)  Interactive Science  A letter was sent home with the user name and password. There is also a large computer sticker in your child's agenda with their computer number and password. Please contact me if you can not get on.

Science Chapter 1

 1. What questions do scientist ask?
            2. How do scientist use tools to obsereve?
                3. How do scientist find out what they know?
       4. How do scientists draw conclusions?
     5. How do scientist observe and infer?
                              6. How do scientist work in groups to solve problems?

Chapter 2

                                                   1. What are rocks and minerals?
                                                   2. What is soil?

Chapter 3

                                                 1. How does weater change?
                                                 2. What does the sun do?
                                                 3. What is air?
                                                 4. How can you stay safe in severe weather?

Chapter 4

                                               1. What are some properties of matter?
                                               2. What are solids, liquids, and gases?
                                               3. How can water change?
                                               4. What are some ways matter can change?
                                               5. How do people use energy?

Chapter 5

                                               1. What are motion and force?
                                               2. What are magnets?
                                               3. What is gravity?
                                               4. How can you change the way objects move?

Chapter 6

                                               1. What do some of your body parts do?
                                               2. What is the life cycle of a butterfly?
                                               3. What is the life cycle of a frog?
                                               4. What is the life cycle of a plant?

Chapter 7

                                                    1. What do plants need?
                                                    2. What do animals need?
                                                    3. What do people need?
                                                    4. Where do plants and animals live?


Insect Lore - Learn all about bugs!

National Geographic Kids - Games, Learning and FUN!

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