Sunday, May 12, 2013

Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week
Dear Parents and Students,

I want to express my sincere gratitude for all the lovely flowers, cards, and gifts I received last week. I was totally overwhelmed by your generosity. You truly made me feel special and appreciated all week.

On Monday, I received many vases and pots of beautiful flowers that we got to enjoy all week.  On Tuesday, parents and students sent in beautiful heartfelt cards, letters, gift cards, a pen and pad of paper, and a Waverly lunch bag. On Wednesday, I was able to munch down on cookies, candy bars, chocolate popcorn, chocolate covered macadamia nuts, Pepperidge Farm cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, and a basket filled with a goodies.  On Thursday, my students brought in the sweetest cards that made me just want to melt. On Friday, you really out did yourselves.  I received lots of HUGS, a Tervis Tumbler cup, a picture in a frame,  many gift certificates for Longhorn Steakhouse, Panera Bread, Starbucks, Target, Daily’s , and Visa.  I’m praying I didn’t forget anything. If I did, please forgive me. That’s a true sign of being spoiled.

Thank you for all the effort and time you put forth on my behalf during a very busy week.  You blessed me beyond what I deserve.  

Ms. Stanberry

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