Helpful Resources for
Parents to Choose From:
Here are links to many helpful websites. Please note that these websites have been found via Google search and are not monitored by Mrs. Stanberry. Please monitor your child's online activity.
User Name: student id number with an 's' in the front Password: capital first name initial+day of birth+lowercase last name initial+last four digits of social security number. This information is on a label on the inside front cover of your child's planner. If yours in missing, please let me know and I'll get you a new one!
Study Ladder - Click on the picture above for an interactive website set up for your child! Their login and passwords are in the front of their planner on a Study Ladder Parent Letter.
Study Island Your child's user ID is your child's firstnamelastname and the password is password.
Houghton Mifflin - Online leveled readers to go with our classroom lessons. Your username is 'dcpsstudent'. Your password is 'student'.
Compass Odyssey - (Use this link to play fun games with reading, math, science and writing! You will need your Duval County student ID and password)
Starfall - Fun reading games just for YOU!
StoryNory - Listen to great stories with print so that you can read along!
Storyonline - Fantastic site to have famous actors and artists read to you as you read along in the books!
Homophone Game - Can you match the words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings? Eg: pair,and pear.
Cause & Effect Lessons+Practice Connectors-Cause&EffectQuiz#1 Eng.Z.FactHabitOpinionSchedule ESL Quiz-Adverb Clauses&Effect Exercises- Cause and Effect
Sadlier-OxfordStudent Vocabulary Workshop
squanky synonyms
TV411 - Prefixes Say Plenty
TV411 - Suffixes
Word Jumbler - Sounds the Same/What's the pattern?/Count the syllables
330 Grammar- Irregular Plurals 4th Gr ProofreadingMakesPerfect Commas Quiz Contractions pages fly by contractions Grammar Gorillas Grammar Blast Level330Grammar-PartsofSpeech Noun Dunk OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#1 OWL@PurdueU.-Using Commas#2 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#3 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#4 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#5 Plural Nouns Quiz Plural Play Plurals BBC Punctuation 1 Quia-IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT Review- Parts of Speech Sentence Clubhouse Subject-Verb Mix-up Using Commas with Coordinating Using Commas with Introductory Penguins on Ice - Make a sentence/Which mark?/Make it interesting Blast the Rocket - Past Tense Possessive Nouns Power Proofreading
330 Grammar- Irregular Plurals 4th Gr ProofreadingMakesPerfect Commas Quiz Contractions pages fly by contractions Grammar Gorillas Grammar Blast Level330Grammar-PartsofSpeech Noun Dunk OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#1 OWL@PurdueU.-Using Commas#2 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#3 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#4 OWL@Purdue U.-Using Commas#5 Plural Nouns Quiz Plural Play Plurals BBC Punctuation 1 Quia-IS THIS SENTENCE CORRECT Review- Parts of Speech Sentence Clubhouse Subject-Verb Mix-up Using Commas with Coordinating Using Commas with Introductory Penguins on Ice - Make a sentence/Which mark?/Make it interesting Blast the Rocket - Past Tense Possessive Nouns Power Proofreading
Spelling City - Practice your weekly spelling words here by entering them in and then playing challenging games.
Spelling Match
BetweentheLionsSamSpudSpell FunBrain's Spell Check SpellaRoo - ABC Order Spelling Check Level 1 Unit 10
Monkey Business
Quia-Sequencing Fun information on over 25,000 people
Graphic Organizers from Enchanted Learning Language Arts - Elementary
Can Teach - resources for educators
Elementary Language Arts - Writing
ABC's of the Writing Process
Funny Poetry for Children
Wacky Web Tales
ProTeacher! Writing lesson plans
Elementary Writing Workshop Resources
Creative Writing
Write Source: Write Away
Quia-Sequencing Fun information on over 25,000 people
Graphic Organizers from Enchanted Learning Language Arts - Elementary
Can Teach - resources for educators
Elementary Language Arts - Writing
ABC's of the Writing Process
Funny Poetry for Children
Wacky Web Tales
ProTeacher! Writing lesson plans
Elementary Writing Workshop Resources
Creative Writing
Write Source: Write Away
Story Mapping/TeacherDirected
Letter Generator: Here you can learn the parts of a letter and how to write your own letter.
Arthur’s Letter Writer Helper:
Story Plant:
Friendly Letter Activities:
Friendly Letter:
Friendly Letter Slideshow:
Parts of a Friendly Letter Game:
Read Write Think - Reading and Writing Games - Click on the one that you would like to play!
Fact Fragment Frenzy - Play a game where you have to search out facts from non-fiction text. Can you solve the mysteries??
Quia Game- Finding the Main Idea
Readquarium- Finding Inferences, Main Idea, Noting Details, Plot, Problem Solution
Classroom Text #1 - Online text book
Classroom Text #1 - Online text book
Highlights Kids (Story Player)- hear a story
More stories Listen to/read a story
Rebus Roundup Stories
Online Book Reviews from Reading Rainbow
Choose a book by THEME
Florida Center for Reading Research
Reading Is Fundamental
Jacksonville Public Library
Reading A-Z- This is a great website to get copies of leveled books with activities to go with each book.
Time For KidsChildren's Authors & Illustrators on the Web- The Internet has become a great source of information about a great many children's writers and illustrators. The websites listed here include authors' personal websites and websites maintained by fans, scholars, and readers.
Eduplace- (Houghton Mifflin)-This is website aligns wihemes that we are currently working on. You can find maning and lahelp pages.
Eduplace elink Services-
Generic District Username: dcpsstudent
Generic password: student
Eduplace-(Houghton Mifflin Reading) -These are stories we will read in class.
Funbrain Reading- Kids books online
Teacher's Clubhouse- This website has worksheets and practice test (to buy) for every story we will read in the Houghton Mifflin Reading book.
Scholastic Book Wizard - -This is a website that will help you level books.
International Children's Digital Library
Scholastic Books
Starfall Storyline Online -
Storynory -
Seussville Playground
Giggle Poetry
Jack Prelutsky Poetry
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and more...
Shel Silverstein Poetry
The Poems- Poetry Archive
Shape Poems
Acrostic Poems
Songs and Poems
Alphabet Organizer
Compound Words
Syllables Factory Game
Syllable Space Station Game
Syllabication Rules- 3rd-4th grade
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