Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Party

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

     The holiday season is almost here and I’m planning an exciting Christmas party for the students which will be held on Friday, December 14, 2012 from 12:00-2:00. I’m asking that every child bring in a “brand new” book wrapped. We will be doing a book exchange during a game.  
Friday will also be pajama day. Students are allowed to wear presentable pajamas and bring a sleeping bag. 

Also, we need you to send in the item attached to this letter.     
that was sent home last week.
I’m  asking that each student bring in the item that is checked below. This will prevent duplication of any item.  We have 17 students in our class.  If you have any questions about the party, please call me.
Thank you for your help and Happy Holidays!

25 Christmas paper cups ________                   

25 Christmas paper plates ___________

50 Christmas napkins _____________        
3- 2 liter bottles of pop ______________

1 Large bag of Chips and 1 Large can of Dip ____________
1 Large Fruit Tray _____________

1 Large Vegetable Tray __________  
Desserts __________________

2 Bags of Christmas Candy ______________
18 Stocking Stuffers ____________________________(such as: erasers, pencils, little toys etc.)

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